California Apostille helps its customers obtaining expedited Apostille services for Comoros Islands from the California Secretary of State office in Los Angeles In addition to the U.S. Department of State Apostille in Washington DC.

Get State of California Apostille for Comoros Islands as low as $90.00 per certification, processing time is (50) business days, depending on the document type.

Obtener expedita Comoros Islands Apostilla para documentos notariales California o documentos federales tan bajos como $60.00 para la certificación, el tiempo de procesamiento es (50) días hábiles. Llámenos ahora: (323) 977-4900

Expedited Apostille Services ONLY Cost: $90.00 per Stamp

3 Business Day for California Secretary of State Apostille for Documents issued in CA

50 Business Days for US Dept. of State Apostille for Documents issued by the Federal gov.

The processing time varies depending on your document.

 Comoros Islands Document Apostille

Apostille California Public State Documents:

Documents issued in the State of California and bear the signature and/ or the stamp of an elected or appointed official such as documents issued by California Corporation Division, Health Department, Division of Motor Vehicle.

The document must be an original certificate or a certified copy. It CANNOT be notarized.

Within just three hours, your apostille attestation will be ready

As our office is located in 453 South Spring, just a few stepsCalifornia Apostille away from the California Secretary of State‘s office in Los Angeles, which is located at 300 South Spring St. It enables us to provide you with fast Apostille at a reasonable price.

We are serving all of California counties, cities and towns including: San Francisco, San Diego, Fresno, Orange, Alameda, Sacramento and Santa Clara

Most Common Types of Documents to be Apostilled

Documents issued by private agencies in the State of California such as corporations, schools, and universities. The document must be properly notarized by a California notary public before you request our services.

we will Apostille the document from the California Secretary of State Office in Los Angeles.

US Federal Documents Apostille for California

Only $60.00 Per Apostille Stamp – 50 Business Days Turnaround Time

Documents issued by the U.S. federal government apostilled from the US Department of State in Washington DC.

Please Note: Federal issued documents CANNOT be certified from California SOS, the apostille stamp on the federal document must be obtained from the US Department of State in Washington DC, Therefore, for expedited federal Apostille service, please send your document to our partner office “US Apostille” in Washington DC:

1330 New Hampshire Ave, NW Suite B1, Washington, DC. 20036 US Apostille office.

If you have any of the following documents, visit our website US Apostille. for expedited Apostille service for Federal documents:

Pay attention:

  • The documents previously mentioned are examples of the commonly authenticated documents. If you couldn’t find the type of your document, please call us on (323)977-4900 to confirm your request.
  • We offer expedited Apostille services for all documents originated in the United States and destined for use overseas. If you have a document originated in Comoros Islands, you will need to contact the appropriate authority in Comoros Islands to validate your documents.
  • If your document is issued in another State, we still can help you to expedite your apostille, Please CALL US for more information about Document Apostille Service for all 50 States.
  • US corporations may call us directly to expedite their request “(323) 977-4900

Important to Note:

  1. Our prices do not include the shipping fees.
  2. Customers have to include their own return envelope with their requests.
  3. Requests with no return envelope will be returned via US postal Service.
  4. If you need international shipping, provide an international prepaid airway bill.