Morocco requires the Morocco Embassy legalization in Washington DC to acknowledge the authenticity of U.S. Documents- Morocco is NOT a member to the Hague Apostille Convention.
Document Legalization for Morocco
California Apostille can provide embassy legalization and consulate attestation service for Morocco . Morocco has 2 consulates in Little Rock, New York and Beverly Hills, Los Angeles
Here is a list of some documents that we can authenticate:
Public Documents require State notarization
- Restated Certificate of Incorporation.
- Termination of foreign Corporation.
- Agreement to Form a Corporation.
- Commercial Invoice.
- Certificate of Origin.
- Insurance Certificate.
- Halal Certificate.
- Statement of Dissolution.
- Certificate of existence.
- Business Letter.
- Letter of Authorization.
- Business License.
- Assignment.
- Power of Attorney.
- Amendment.
- ISO Certificate.
- Technical Data Sheet.
- Affidavit.
- Free sale Certificate.
- Stock Certificate.
- Shareholder List.
- Change of Agent.
- Consolidation Certificate.
- Foreign Certificate of Registration.
- Shareholder Contribution Schedule.
- Stock Purchase Agreement.
- Packing List.
- Bill of Lading.
- Kosher Certificate.
- Health Certificate.
- Certificate of Incumbency.
- Agency Agreement.
- Articles of Incorporation.
- Certificate of Merger.
- Corporate Resolution.
- Company Bylaws.
- Certificate of Analysis.
- Letter of Resignation.
- Distributor Agreement.
- letter of Intent.
- Operating Agreement.
- Bill of Sale.
- Certificate of Formation.
- Corporate Consolidation.
- Certificate of Good Standing.
- School Transcript.
- College Transcript.
- School Diploma.
- Teaching Credentials.
- TESOL Certificate.
- Doctorate Degree.
- Graduate Record Examination GRE.
- Doctorate Certificate.
- College Diploma.
- Master Degree.
- Associate Degree.
- Bachelor Degree/ Certificate.
- Birth Certificate.
- Death Certificate.
- Marriage Certificate.
- Divorce Certificate.
- Divorce decree.
- Driver License
- US Passport
- Police Clearance
- Adoption Certificate
- Food and Drug Administration (the FDA) Certificates.
- Federal Bureau of Investigations (the FBI) Certificates.
- US Patent and Trademark office (the USPTO) Certificates.
- Social Security Agency Certificates.
- US Department of Agriculture (the USDA) Certificates.
- Environmental Protection Agency (the EPA) Certificates.
- Internal Revenue Service (the IRS) Certificates.
- Homeland Security Certificates.
- Sanitation Certificate
- BSE- Free Certificate.
- Certificate of Free Sale (CFS).
- Certificate of Exportability.
- Certificate to Foreign Government (CFG).
- Certificate of Non-Clinical Research Use Only Materials Certificate.
- Good Manufacture Practice Certificate (GMP).
- Trademark
- Plant certificate
- Animal Health Certificate
- Phytosanitary Certificate
- Certificate of Pharmaceutical products (COPP).
- Certificate of Pharmaceutical product- Foreign Manufacturer
- Specified Risk Material of Bovine, Ovine, and Caprine Origin Materials.
- Criminal Background Check
- Patent
- Form 6166‐ US Tax Residency
- Homeland Security Documents Naturalization Certificate
- Social Security Documents
- Social Security Benefit Letter
Review your document for Free
Do not waste any more time and submit your document for free review before your mail your envelope to us to ensure that your document is ready for the legalization process from the Morocco embassy in Washington DC.
- Scan your document
- Complete the required information.
- Upload the document.
- we will contact you within 24 hours to confirm your order.
Pay attention: The required certification for a document may varies from another. For example, A power of Attorney require state notarization while a Birth certificate do not require any additional notarization. we recommend using the document review system to avoid any delays in your request. US corporations may call us directly to expedite their request, call us now: (323) 977-4900
How to prepare your Envelope:
After confirmation from our authentication department that your document is eligible for the attestation process, send us an envelope that contains the following:
- The documents that need authentication.
- The order form
- Your Payment
- your return airway envelope
-Please be noted that our prices do not include the shipping fees. -Customers have to include their own return envelope with their requests. -Requests with no return envelope will be returned via US postal Service. -If you need international shipping, provide an international prepaid airway bill.