November 12 2016 0Comment

Step By Step Guide to Apostille Certificate of Free Sale

3 Simple Steps to order Free Sale Certificate and Apostille It from California Secretary of State

A Certificate of Free Sale indicates that a particular product such as cosmetics, infant food, seafood, land food, food additives, medical devices etc., is legally marketed throughout the United States and/ or eligible for export process.

Since 2016, the FDA “US Food and drug Administration” has launched its new automated system to file for Free sale certificate electronically. The FURLS (the FDA Unified Registration and Listing System) has shortened the duration of the processing time and helped US export corporations to obtain Certificate of Free sale timely and effectively.

However, exporters can still order their request by mail. It usually takes about 2-3 weeks and the fee is about $10.00 per certificate of free sale for the export of Food and Food additives and cosmetics. While certificate of free sale for medical devices cost $175.00 per certificate.

The Apostille stamp must be obtained from the US Department of State for the Federal issued documents.

“Federally issued documents destined for use in participating Hague Apostille countries may need to be authenticated with an Apostille issued by the U.S. Department of State. Documents requiring an Apostille issued by the U.S. Department of State are those which have been signed by U.S. Federal Official, an American Consular Officer, Military Notary, Judge Advocate (10 USC 1044a), or a foreign Consul diplomatic official registered with the State Department Office of Protocol”

free sale certificate apostille

Step One: Create New Account

Go to: FURLS Certificate Application Process and create an account to request a Certificate of Free Sale. The steps will go as follow:-

Select the applicable center for the purpose of account creation. It depends on the product type that you want to export or your requested service. For example, you cannot use your account for Tobacco registration to request a new registration for food facility of exporting medical devices. You have to create a separate account for each service requested.

Before you fill your contact information you have to choose the appropriate center to perform your request

To request a certificate of free sale to export cosmetics products, you will need to choose the fourth (4) option which is ”Center for Food Safety & Applied Nutrition (FFRM, LACF, SEPRM, NDIN, PNSI / Systems Recognition Program / Certification Application Program (Includes Land food, Seafood, Cosmetics, Food Additive, Food Contact Substances, Dietary Supplements, Infant Formula, Medical Foods, and Foods for Special Dietary Use), etc.)”

Then, you will need to choose the system that you want to access based on your requested document. In our case you have to choose: Certificate Application Process Includes Land Food, Seafood, Cosmetics, Food Additive, Food Contact Substances, Dietary Supplements, Infant Formula, Medical Foods, and Foods for Special Dietary Use.

Finally, you will be asked if you are a foreign government official or not. Answer the question depending on your situation.

Fill your contact information to create your profile. You will be asked to provide your name, email, job title, domestic or international address, phone number, company name and fax number if found.

Save your account details and then login.

Step Two: Enter New Application

After you have logged in using your login details and choosing the required center, which is Certificate Application process, the next window will appear.  Choose the first option “ Enter new Application” the session will be timed out after 30 minutes.

Choose the certificate type. You may choose to create a certificate for Land Food, Sea Food, Cosmetics, Dietary Supplement, Food Additive, Medical Food, Food Substances, Infant Formula..etc. depending on your exported product.

You will be asked to provide a basic contact detail about you again and about the exported company. The section about your contact details will be auto-filled with the details that you have previously filled. In the company details section, you will have the choice to provide new details or to be auto-filled with your contact details.

Choose the type of certificate requested. You may create a Certificate of Free  Sale as a product specific or as a General Certificate. Choose a “ Product Specific” if you have a list of products and its specifications.

You will also get to choose how many  certificates you need

A window informing you about required fees and accepted payment method will appear.

Finally, sign the acknowledgment statement and submit your request to create your document.


Step Three: Apostille your Document

Now, you have a Free Sale certificate issued and signed by the FDA. You need to stamp your document with an Apostille stamp in order for your certificate to be valid for us in the Apostille convention countries.

According to The US Department of State – Office of Authentications The U.S. Department of State issues both Authentication Certificates and Apostilles. The determination of which certificate is issued is based on the country in which the document will be used.  Authentication Certificates are issued for documents which are destined for use in countries that are not parties to the Hague Apostille Convention.  Apostille Certificates are issued for documents destined for use in countries that are parties to the Hague Apostille Convention.

Authentication Certificate Requirements

For detailed information on Authentication Services including document requirements, submitting documents, and service fees, please visit:

Apostille Requirements

For the more information on the requirements for the issuance of Apostilles, please click here.

The authentication fee is $8.00 per document. the payable process by Cash, Check and Credit Card.

Another way to get Free Sale Certificate apostilled fast and professional, California apostille provides expedited Apostille service for Free Sale certificates destined for use in the Hague countries in charge of $60.00 per document, turnaround time is 4 business days

You may also choose to legalize your Free sale for use in a non-hague country. For prices and turnaround time, please choose your destination country from here.
