February 22 2017 1Comment
FBI Background Check Apostille

How to Get your FBI Background Check Apostille [Infographic]

As an American citizen, and you need to travel abroad for work or for any other reason, you have to have a certificate, stating that you don’t have a criminal history or felonies which disqualify you from traveling abroad. Getting your FBI background check might be time-consuming and a very tiring thing to do when you plan to travel abroad.

To get your FBI Background Check, there are some steps come first before getting the apostille stamp.

Follow up the information in this Infographic…

FBI Background Check Apostille

California Apostille provides US Department of State Apostille for FBI Criminal record Check(CRC) destined for use abroad. It cost $60.00 per document, processing time is 4 business days. We also provide our customers with the ability to obtain FBI Background Check apostille by themselves. Follow the instructions below:

The Full Article: How to Get your FBI Background Check Apostille


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