May 25 2016 0Comment
Free Sale Certificate Apostille

Free Sale Certificate Apostille – California Apostille

[vc_toggle title=”Are you Looking for a Certificate of Free Sale Apostille in the State of California?” style=”round_outline” color=”vista_blue” open=”true”]The office of the California Secretary of State doesn’t provide Apostille service for federally issued documents. All FDA documents must be authenticated (Apostilled) from the US Department of State in Washington DC.

California  Apostille provides fast  Apostille for Certificate of Free Sale within just 4 business days and the cost is $60.00 per stamp. We can authenticate your federal document as an original document or as a photocopy.

Call us now to verify your eligibility for a copy of FDA certificate Apostille.[/vc_toggle]

What is the meaning of FDA Export Certificates?

The Food and Drug Administration, Export certifications are documents issued by the FDA Department of Health and human Services DHHS, which contain information about the exported goods such as the regulatory component, storage and label instructions, and marketing permissions. Most of the imported regulatory bodies require the FDA export certificates to ensure the safety of the cargo and its eligibility for marketing in their countries. The US Food and Drug Administration issues the export certificate depending on the product being exported. These documents include, but not limited to:

  • Certificate of Foreign Government” (CVM, CBER, CDRH)  
  • Nonclinical Research Use Only Certificate
  • Certificate of a Pharmaceutical Product (CDER, CBER, CVM)  
  • Health Certificate for Food destined for the European Union
  • Certificate of Free Sale.
  • Certificate of Exportability (for products not permitted to be marketed in the USA)
  • Specified Risk Materials of Bovine Origin Materials
[vc_message color=”warning” message_box_style=”3d” message_box_color=”warning” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-exclamation-triangle”]This post will handle all the related information concerning the issuance of the Free Sale Certificate(CFS) and for which products and how you can authenticate it for use overseas.[/vc_message]

What is an FDA Certificate of Free sale?

If you want to export food additives, vitamins, minerals, infant food, dietary supplement, diary food or beverage, plants, amino acids and herbs, you will need to request a Certificate of Free sale along from the appropriate FDA Point of Contact  in order for your product to be legally marketed outside the United States.

  • If you want to use California Apostille expedited service, send us an envelope that contains the following items:
  1. The documents that need to be authenticated
  2. The payment confirmation (Credit Cards, Wire Transfer, Billing for corporations)
  3. An authentication request form that contains a daytime telephone and your destination country.
  4. A prepaid return airway envelope (FedEx, UPS, or DHL) with a tracking number to send the document back to you after finishing the authentication process.
  • If you need to obtain fast Apostille from the California Secretary of State office, send us an envelope that contains the previously mentioned items to the following address:

California Apostille
453 South Spring Street,Suite 734,
Los Angeles, CA 90013

  • If your document is a photocopy or in PDF format(not an original document), call us to discuss the situation at: (323) 977-4900.
  • We provide fast document Apostille in the State of California and from the US Department of State in Washington, DC for documents destined for use in the Apostille Countries. The cost is $50.00 per document, the turnaround time is (1- 4) business days.
  • If you have a document that is destined for use in a Non-Hague country, we can expedite the legalization process from the embassy of the destination country in Washington DC.
  • Our prices do not include the shipping fees, please make sure that you have included a prepaid airway ticket with your package.
