August 06 2016 1Comment
Apostille and Notarize Copy of your US Passport

3 Steps To Notarize and Apostille Copy of your US Passport

Our previous post handled how you may obtain your FBI Background Check and apostille it timely and easily to be used in South Korea. You may check it here.

After you have obtained your FBI background Check (you must prepare it first as it takes a long time), it’s time now to…

Apostille a Notarized Copy of your US Passport

Notarized and apostille your Passport General Requirements


Passport general requirements

Step 1: Passport general requirements

Your passport must meet the following requirements before you even think about apostilling it. If your passport misses one or more of the following requirements, you will need to renew your passport before you can proceed with the Apostille service.

  • Your passport must be valid for at least  6 months before you leave the United States.
  • There must be at least 2 blank pages in your passport for your visa.


Make a notarize copy of your passport

Step 2: Make a notarize copy of your passport (Not Required)

Definitely, you cannot notarize your original passport, follow these instructions to know how:-

  • Make 2 copies of the first two pages of your passport (the pages that contain your personal information.
  • Write the following acknowledgment at the end of one of the copies:-

” I,( your name), certify that is is a true copy of my passport.”

  • Take the copy with the written acknowledgment, along with your real passport, and your personal ID to the nearest notary public in your state and have it notarized.


Apostille a copy of US passport

Step 3: Apostille a Copy of US Passport

Now. it is the time for the last step, which is the Apostille for Korea. You have two choices to do so:-

  1. You may get your Apostille by yourself by going to your local Secretary of State office.
  2. Or, you can use the help of one of the expedited service providers in the United States. Here, you will find the best Apostille service providers that offer the best prices in the United States such as: California Apostille

Now, you have finished preparing 2 essential document for your new job in South Korea. The next post will handle the sealed transcripts and the best way to apostille it correctly.


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